After learning that this year’s Modesto Veterans Day Parade was canceled due to rising costs, Sen. Marie Alvarado-Gil is announcing she will match $5,000 in donations to support next year’s parade. In addition to the Modesto Parade, Senator Alvarado-Gil is offering to support other Veterans Day events across Senate District 4 that are also at risk of cancellation.
It broke my heart to hear that this year’s parade had to be canceled. Our veterans have sacrificed so much, and they deserve their day to be honored,” said Senator Alvarado-Gil. “Events like that not only pay tribute to their service, but also educate future generations about how precious our freedom is. I’m committed to making sure this parade happens next year and can continue for years to come. I also want other communities in Senate District 4 to know I'm here to support in any way I can to keep your vital celebrations alive."
Parade coordinator and Army Veteran Carlos Verduzco expressed his gratitude following the Senator’s announcement:
“I want to thank Sen. Marie Alvarado-Gil for her generous pledge. Knowing we have her support means we can plan next year’s parade, and it will hopefully encourage even more people to help. It’s incredible to see the community rally together to honor our veterans. We appreciate her support."
On Veterans Day, Senator Alvarado-Gil participated in the parade in her hometown of Jackson, riding along in the car of Grand Marshal and Amador County District 3 Supervisor Jeff Brown.

Sen. Alvarado-Gil rides in the Grand Marshal’s car at the Jackson Veterans Day Parade, driven by Amador County District 3 Supervisor Jeff Brown, alongside Nick Rosa, American Legion California Department Commander; Mike Green, Amador County Legion Post #108; Richard Ramirez, California Legion Department Sgt. at Arms; and Allen Kenyon, a 96-year-old Korean War veteran.
Following the parade, she attended a luncheon at American Legion Hall #108, where she honored local veterans for their dedicated service to both their community and the nation, including:
- Jack Magee, 2nd Vice Commander, USMC, for his unwavering commitment to ensuring the success of Jackson’s Veterans Day Parade.
- Robert Saracino, USAF, who is solely responsible for the success of local blood drives, resulting in the collection of 375 units of blood this year through Vitalant Blood Center.
- Jim Davis, U.S. Army Cavalry Division, for his dedication to supporting the Helmets to Heroes program, which provides essential rehabilitation services and equipment to veterans in need.

Sen. Alvarado-Gil recognizes Robert Saracino (left), Jack McGee (center), and Jim Davis (right), veterans of Amador American Legion Post #108
“We’ve all heard the saying, ‘If you like your freedom, thank a veteran.’ I want to sincerely thank all our veterans, especially those in Senate District 4, who have served or are serving today. Please don’t hesitate to contact my office if you need help. We are here for you,” Alvarado-Gil concluded.